A story of a man who
always taunted other men in the village that he is the greatest fighter is told.
The man would arrange fight matches but on the material day he would shout that
the judges were in favour of the opponent. Each time he did so and asked that
the opponent be changed to one that judges did not favour. The replacement
would always be a weaker opponent who definitely lost the match. This left the
man with bigger ego that he was the greatest fighter. Back to Uasin Gishu, the gubernatorial
race has proved to a titan battle.
Buzeki and Mandago are going head to head. The recent utterances by
Mandago has left many wondering why the incumbent
has so much fear for Buzeki.
In his latest utterances
Mandago sensationally claimed that he would marshal his followers to vote for
NASA should JP leaders continue “supporting” Buzeki. Many argue that Buzeki is
the creation of Mandago, every time Mandago speaks Buzeki becomes greater. It should
be remembered that Mandago is the sitting governor, he holds the advantage of being
the incumbent and being a Jubilee nominee. Which such odds on his side one
wonders why he is such a cry baby.
Mandago should man up
and face Buzeki without the sideshows that Buzeki is favored. Deputy President WSR
has repeatedly said that he did not have any preferred candidates during the nominations.
Buzeki himself has refuted claims that he is favored by the Jubilee administration.
Any other candidate would have taken such endorsement and ran away with it.
Hon Mandago should just
man up and face Buzeki on issues. Uasin Gishu dearly yearns for that.
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